I am Jenny(15 yrs) and my boyfriends Omar(17 yrs). So I Want to break up with my boyfriend because he's bossy and way2 obsessed with me. He said he will kill himself if he lost me. When i tried to break up with him he almost cut himself and almost commited suiside. This is my 1st relationship like this i dont know how to handle this.I want to break up with my boyfriend but he said he will kill himself if he loses me. What do i do?
Tell his closest friends and/or family what he said and then break up with him. What he chooses to do is up to him. If he's that emotionally unstable, he needs help. If he's lying to keep you, then don't let him manipulate you.
You aren't responsible for how someone else chooses to act or react. Do what's best for you. The boy sounds disturbed. Not a healthy relationship for you to be in.I want to break up with my boyfriend but he said he will kill himself if he loses me. What do i do?
He's emotionally blackmailing you. Not only do you need to break up with him, he is so unstable you need to get him completely and permanently out of your life. You may feel some responsibility for the harm he threatens to do to himself. Agreed. If I met a stranger who was threatening to commit suicide, I would feel some responsibility to do the right thing. What you do is tell someone who can get him some help; his parents, the school counselor, whatever adult is in his life that has some authority over him. Then you end it and regardless of his threats, you get on with your life. GL.
People who say they will kill themselves if someone breaks up with them are abusers. He is using your fear against you to force you to stay with him. If he hasn't hit you yet, he will, and it probably won't be long. Get out now! Odds are he will not kill himself if you break up with him. However, I know you are scared that he will. Break up with him, and then call the suicide hotline right away. And when you break up with him, do it someplace public, so that he can not hurt you, or himself, without causing a scene, and then walk away quickly. Immediately call the suicide hotline, tell them about his threats, and where he is. Then never ever let him in your life again. He will only hurt you.
This is obsession not love. About 1 out of every 5 boys or girls you come across are going to be obsessed with you. He may or may not be serious about killing himself, and you don't want to be saddled with a guilty conscience if he does.
Just to be on the safe side, tell him you want time to think about the whole thing because your parents are worried about you and him. Do not be ashamed to use your guidance counselor at school, your parents, or your brother or anybody else older than you two.
You have to let his parents know this. Also, tell your parents and/or anyone you can trust. This is a very serious matter. It should be handled by legal adults, because they are ultimately responsible. If Omar were to harm himself, just think how his family would feel. And, of course, you would be devastated. This is not something you can handle alone. Best of luck.
tell your mom or somebody close to you.
second off, tell his parents or someone of his family so they can get him someone that will safely keep him under control %26amp; help him.
BREAK UP WITH HIM, and say i'm sorry this is just not worth all this/
if you don't wanna stay unhappy for the rest of your life, you'll do it.
he's probably just playing with you because like you said, he's trying to control you. so my best advice, is getting out.
either way , it is completely not your fault or responsibility to watch over him.
he's obviously needs help.
what you do is you call him, tell him that he needs to leave you alone or you will get a restraining order. i know its mean but guys like that are very unstable and most of them have some kind of obsessive disorder. when i was 14 i dated a guy like that and he was always cutting and saying stuff like that but when i broke up with him he got over it, never died, and now we are friends. and he realized that he actaully just thought that he liked me when he really just wanted a girlfriend.
Run my dear, run far --- it is his choice if he kills himself, that would be so stupid, and he is 17, so he is not a baby boy. He understands. He will not kill himself, maybe it is just his way of keeping you. Don't force yourself to be with him just because he tells you he will kill himself, scew that, what a drama queen he is.
Call his bluff and breakup with him. I had a boyfriend like that and got tired of his threats. I broke it off and that was 15 years ago. He's still alive probably making some other female's life miserable. If he does carryout his threat, don't blame yourself. It's quite obvious that he has serious issues. Good Luck!
Tell his parents. They need to know.
You have to make your own decisions, and if you want to break up with him, you should be able to without having this load on you!
you can't let his threats change your mind. tell his parents what he said. you cant stop someone from committing suicide, telling his parents or another adult and they can get him help.
break up with him. he's just keeping you against your will,and possibly endangering your life too.
oh and tell his or your parents.
break up with him in his house, while his parents are home. If his threat was serious, tell the parents. You don't need to be with someone so unstable.
Give him another chance. Don't listen to these break up people. All people on YA ever do is tell you to break up with someone. Espeicailly the women on here.
Tell your parents (your dad). Also tell his mother and father what he is doing to himself so they can get him some help.
tell him that u hate him and make him hate u and he will go and leave u!
I would first purchase a sympathy card for his family and then tell him goodbye.
Break up with him. He is trying to hold you hostage with your relationship
go to his parents and tell them your concerns in private and ask them to please not tell them what you said until you have had the chance to get out of the relationship. Just tell them that you care about their son and time together was fun but you need space now and just do not feel it is the right thing to do . Explain to them how he has been with you and what you said he did one time, and simply say this scares me and i can not handle it but staying in the relationship is not healthy for him or me and i just think it is for the best . I would also ask them to please consider getting him some counseling because of the suicide attempt and hope that in the future , he can be more acceptable to other people's way of life and thoughts and that he should not have the right to control a person . Say thank you for listening to me and then later on when you two are alone at his house preferable just break up and say i hope things work out with you and good luck with that problem but i need space for me now and do not want to be tied down with anyone at the moment, It is not because you want to date someone Else because there is no one Else and just tell him that you are not looking either. And after all that is said then leave or if he drove you to his house then ask one of his parents to please take you home and then do not answer any phone calls or text messages or emails he might send you, just make a clean break of it and live your life.
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