just like you do the karate chop, just tell him that you have fallen out of love and no longer want to be in a relationship with him.How do I break up with my boyfriend of 1 year?
well for one u shouldn't be cheating on your b/f creepy or not. and second are u wanting to break it off because he really is creepy or is it the fact that you have found this someone else that your intrested in now and not your b/f. but to answer your question i would say just be honest with him. he does deserve that much.
You can't live your live worrying about it.Tell your boyfriend that you want to break up with him and move on with your life. You can still remain his friend.If he states that he will kill himself tell him he needs to move on with his life and meet other girls and date them.
break up with him...
if you're not comfortable with him, there's no point in going out with him.
just tell him... well, dont be mean and say he creeps you out, but just tell him...
and go with the other guyy...
You better break it off. Thats weird for you, but you've also been leading him on, and thats not good either.
It matters what kinda guy he is...can he take news like that with only you in the room or do it publically..... :/
Well, break up with him and find out. If you fail to accomplish the breakup consider yourself property
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