Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I break up with my boyfriend?

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for a little over a month and I think it is time that we broke up. I have never broken up with anyone before and I don't know how to do it with out hurting him to bad. I know I have to do it in person because through text is too mean, but what do I say.How do I break up with my boyfriend?
be like your annoying i have no intersest in u and so im breaking upo with u ,How do I break up with my boyfriend?
Ok my girlfriend dumped me a month ago so I know what it's like.

OK first tell him u need to talk to him (u can do this over the phone or in person I got dumped by txt :( ) Then tell him tht things aren't working out between u 2 and say tht you think you and him should break up.
I would first plan when you are going to break up with him and make sure that whatever time you chose hurts him the least if he becomes unhappy. Also, make sure you have enough time to talk to him, and plan on being alone, somewhere. Then, when it is an appropriate time, talk to him and be honest. Explain why you don't think you two should go out anymore, and how you feel towards him (for example, if you still like hanging around as friends with him, tell him). Make sure that nothing you say is in a tone of ';you did something wrong,'; but explain why you two just don't work. If you had good times, tell him that too. Try to let him answer questions and become satisfied with the decision (which is different from him liking it).

And then, move on with your lives and try not to worry. Everything will be ultimately be all right.
';I don't think we belong together'

'I don't think we have very much in common'

'I'm very busy right now, don't have time to see you'

'i told my parents and they don't like me having a bf so I can't see you anymore'.
Say that you guys had fun times and that you don't like him in the way you liked him before but you guys still wanna be friends and that it's ok to see other people.

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