Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I am pregnant. How can I break up with my boyfriend and still allow him to be a father?

Can he still spend time with me? Can I still tell him what to do and what not to do around my kid? Is it okay to break up with him?I am pregnant. How can I break up with my boyfriend and still allow him to be a father?
All these people that say, ';you should never stay together simply because of the child'; that is the dumbest advice ever. If the life of a child isn't worth giving a relationship a little extra effort, what is?

YOU BOTH brought this child into the world and he/she has EVERY RIGHT to grow up with both a mom and a dad there for him.

Just what is the problem? you don't love him? you want to date other people? Guess what, Your child deserves HIS father there with him, not just on the weekends but everyday. Your life no longer belongs to you, you have a responsibility so how about you step up and quit trying to take away the only family this child has. Selfish, that's all it is, just selfishness.I am pregnant. How can I break up with my boyfriend and still allow him to be a father?
You can't control what he does when he has your child. You can't be around him all the time too. You are going to have to trust that he is a good dad or prove to a court that he isn't. It's best for everyone though, if you all can remain friends while your child is growing up and not hating each other.

You shouldn't stay with him just because you are pregnant. If the relationship isn't going to work out, a baby will not ';fix'; things. It is ok to break up with him if this where you feel the relationship is headed.
Ok firstly- It's never ok to stay together just for ';the sake of the baby';. In the end, it has been proven that kids are happier in seperated homes where both parents are happy and amicable (in new relationships or not) than they are if they live in a household where both the parents are still together but do not love/respect/enjoy eachothers company. It could also make the child feel responsible for the loveless situation the parents are in which adversely affects them later in life (my parents were/are like this... i know how it feels).

Secondly, if you do not love him or feel as though you want to be with him- leave before your baby is born. It is easier on all parties involved (including your baby). You can get support from other areas and people (like family, friends etc) if you cannot get that support from a loving relationship. If you came remain very good friends and share the pregnancy experience after seperating then congrats, you are in a very lucky situation. If not, who cares.

Thirdly, custordy would be an issue a court decides once your baby is born if you cannot sort it out for yourself. Generally, if he is a nice person (no drug addictions, no abuse/history of violence etc) courts will award custordy to the father every 2nd weekend and half of holidays. Ultimately he will choose to raise the child how he sees fit in this timeframe and as long as it doesnt hurt the child (physically, emotionally, mentally etc) then theres not much you can do. Of course you can tell him what you prefer him not to do, but really, as long as it's not hurting the child then thats all that matters.

As for spending time with you, thats entirely up to you. If you can handle that after being in a relationship then good on ya... and good luck :)
u need to do what is right for you. He is your child's father and will have rights, as for your relationship with him see what happens when/if you end it and on what terms.

Please be mindful that these thoughts may just be hormonal changes though, so give it time, try talking to him about your concerns... I know i had similar thought when i was pregnant..glad i didn't leave because hubby has been a tower of strength and seeing him be a dad is awesome..I am so in love with him now (the hormones went a bit wild in pregnancy though!!... and he was stressed about being the only income earner!)
hi! first pray and ask for guidance and also need a lot of strenght. By that you may think well and asses yourself if you do love the guy..i know its not overnight decision but you have to be careful in every action you will do. Also you may ask your elders for advise whats good for you.. and please listen.

PRAY...Think and do it right..

start right so you will end up right.

if your not happy you dont have to be with him but its not about you allowing him to be a father he is the father and he has every right to raise your child as well but you dont have to be together try to be great friends thou at least good luck :)
I would suggest to stay with him but i dont no the situation between yous but if u do break up then maybe let the dad have the kid at weekends? or maybe u could go out and take the baby for walks with him now and again?

Hope ive helped!
Oh dear...why would you want to break up when you are pregnant? You need all the support you can get. You sound old are you? Do you have anyone else to help?
yes well when there is love without one but in respect not abuse ,yes when there isn't respect x friendship cheer's

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