Monday, August 16, 2010

How do you get your boyfriend to break up with you?

Okay, i have a boyfriend we have been dating for like a week and he is like already in love with me, but im in love with this other guy. but i don't want to hurt his feelings by breaking up with him, so i want him to break up with me. its just i don't know how. any ideas?How do you get your boyfriend to break up with you?
Be a big girl, and just break up with him.How do you get your boyfriend to break up with you?
obviously not ';in love'; after a week. he won't care. you're just another girl to him probably. just say ';its not working out';
just tell some of his close m8s who won't wanna

hurt him 2 and get them 2 say bad things about

u 2 him e.g. she's really mean

she's a right old s l u t

and then when he dumps you make out that your really

upset so then people won't think that ur happy
Wow. This is teen drama at its best. Just break up with him.
I wanted to suggest you punch him in the nads, but you said you don't want to hurt him, so just keep farting loudly when with him.

Well I'm just joking here, but if you want to be juvenile about the whole thing...
just do it yourself.

you shouldn't be dating him if you don't like shoulda been honest with him from the start.

you got yourself into this

so grow a pair and get yourself out
Treat him like crap.
try to keep ur distance n c if he notice r u can cheat on him which will be the worse way to brake up
*sigh* these times are hard and they SUCK. =p

ANYWAYS ummm.. well i think it wud be better to break up with him then finding a way for him to breakup with you. Like if he found out then he may be even more hurt, and either way yuo will most likly go out with that other guy, but are u sure u r doing the right choice? i mean i know nothing about yal but maybe give ur bf a chnace and what if that other guy is just not all that into you. (like i said idk the situations so im assuming)
Tell him no sex before marriage. That might shake him up.
Just go about your business as if you were still single and he will eventually get the point. Try to find out when and where he will be going out and make an ';accidental'; appearance with a new guy friend. Easy Breezy!!
Geeze a week? Seriously? This is why people should wait til they're more mature to start dating. Do the mature thing and break up with him. Why should he have to when you want to?

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